It's time for AAJA Sacramento to elect board members for 2025. Serving on the chapter board is an important way for you to demonstrate your leadership and to support the chapter.
All the positions are for a year. Board members will assume their positions on January 1, 2025.
The seats up are:
-Vice president
-National board representative
-A minimum of three board members
Who is eligible to run and vote?
Any full members who are paid AAJA Sacramento chapter members. Associate members and retired members are eligible only to run for the treasurer spot. Students can vote but they may not hold office.
What is the time commitment?
The board meets at least six times a year to discuss chapter business and plan a major fundraiser. Board members are expected to participate in chapter meetings and assist with the fundraiser.
What are you looking for in board members?
Board members are expected to attend all board meetings and be engaged in board discussions and the chapter. Board members should carry out job duties and any assigned tasks in a timely and responsible manner. They should be informed about AAJA's mission, policies and programs and communicate well with other board members. They should remain a member in good standing.
Each board seat has distinct responsibilities:
President: This person is responsible for the overall health of the chapter and represents the chapter at the national convention and in the Central Valley. Typical duties include facilitating board meetings, managing relationships with other organizations, and speaking on the chapter’s behalf in the community.
Vice president: The job entails supporting and assisting the president in carrying out his/her duties, being an active part of chapter board meetings and also taking initiative to serve the chapter and its members.
National board representative: This person serves as the chapter's representative on the national advisory board. This person must attend advisory board meetings. The national board representative will keep the Sacramento chapter board apprised of national policies and procedures. The person will provide summary reports of the national board meetings to the board.
Secretary: This person is responsible for the chapter official minutes. This person may also serve as the social media manager and assist in updating the chapter website. The secretary keeps minutes of the board meetings. He/she compiles and sends out communications to the chapter.
Treasurer: This person is responsible for managing the finances and complying with the national’s rules on bookkeeping. The job entails carefully tracking and attending to the chapter's finances, maintaining the chapter's bank account, advising the board on how best to manage and budget, cutting checks for chapter expenses/awards, keeping detailed records and compiling financial reports for national.
Please fill out the form by 9 a.m. October 18, 2024 if you’re interested in running for a board position. Ballots will be sent out electronically. The deadline to cast ballots is October 31.
If you have any questions about serving on the board, please contact Chapter President Sandy Louey at
You must be a current AAJA member by the time of the election to be eligible. Join or renew at: