Great Harvest Bread Co. Job Application
Thank you for your interest in Great Harvest Bread Company. We are an industry leader with the highest standards. We put only the best ingredients into our breads and other products and it shows. Second best ingredients will never make it into our breads. Likewise, we like to believe that our people are our best ingredient. Their passion for excellence and friendly attitudes shows up in every loaf we bake. We like to say we bake with love in hand and our customers can taste the difference. With that in mind, it is important for you to know that this job has high expectations from its owners, customers, and employees. 

We live by a simple mission statement: 
Be Loose and Have Fun, 
Bake Phenomenal Bread, 
Run Fast to Help Customers, 
Create a Strong and Exciting Bakery,
Give Generously to Others! 

We believe no one wants to go to a job that is not fun. So, we make sure that ‘fun’ is always top of mind. Attitudes and bad days are not really welcome here. No one wants to work in a place that is not fun, and all things being equal, no one really wants to shop at a place that is not fun. 

Baking Phenomenal Bread is the heart of our business. As mentioned above, we are a leader in the industry and we continue to raise the bar with only the best ingredients. We expect only the best results and so do our customers. We provide a premium product here that will not be matched anywhere else.

Running fast to help customers is a standard that should be observed in every business. Nothing makes a guest feel more important than having several people hustling to help them. It is this outpouring of energy that really makes Great Harvest Bread Company a destination for thousands of people worldwide. Literally, we have had people visit us from as far away as Africa. People love to show their Great Harvest to their friends. Our bakery will continue as a strong and exciting bakery, by never sitting on our standards. We will constantly be reinventing ourselves with new products and ideas. These ideas come not only from our headquarters, but from our guests and employees. Your input and high standards of quality will be shared by all. We do value your ideas and always consider your thoughts and concerns. 

We give generously to others with not only our product, but our time. We do many events in the community to help our neighbors. Sometimes this means we are here on a Sunday. Other times, it can mean you are out in the community at a special slicing event. We want to be known as a leader not only in the baking community, but the communities in which we live by giving back as much as we can.

Thanks for taking the time to apply!
Kevin and Melissa Lisowe
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Date *
Full Name: *
Email: *
Address: (Street, City/State, Zip) *
Phone Number: *
Best Time to Call: *
Under 18? *
If in school, what year? *
Hours per week desired: (List minimum and maximum) *
If part-time, list available hours from 4am to 8pm and days from Monday to Saturday: *
Will your availability listed above change in the next 6 months? *
What area of the bakery are interested in working in? *
How long do you plan on working for us? *
Highest grade completed/ years of college/ degrees earned: *
Have you ever been convicted of a crime? (If yes, date, place, & nature) *
Give us your 2 best work-related references (Like previous employers) and phone numbers. *
List a brief job history. Include business name, supervisors' names, dates employed, and reason for leaving. *
Why did you choose to apply at Great Harvest? *
Great Harvest is a very service-oriented business. What does good service mean to you? *
Great Harvest is a high-volume business with a workday that can be long and stress-filled. What makes you believe you can perform well and excel under these working conditions? *
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