Hearts of Gold - Nomination
Use this form to nominate a person, group or charity close to our hearts who you believe could use a little support. 

Please bear in mind the pot size is small and we'd rather help lots of people with small things, rather than one person or group with a big thing. That being said, all suggestions will be considered carefully and voted on by the 'For My Brothers' holder community.

Also consider suggestions close to our NFT communities first; our aim with the Hearts of Gold foundation is to raise awareness and support mental health within the Crypto and NFT community. 

Thank you. 

For My Brothers

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Your Discord ID *
We will need to contact you to discuss your proposal.

Contact will be made via Discord (Please add CryptoTroopr#1867 as a friend).

If successful, a voice call via Discord will be required to gather further information and verify you and your proposal. 

Please do not make a proposal if you are unable/unwilling to do this.

Your Twitter username
Your Proposal
Please be as specific and as detailed as possible.

Try using the S.T.A.R method to help frame your proposal:

  • Situation - the situation you think we could help with.
  • Task - the tasks you could do on your own (if any).
  • Action - the action we could take together.
  • Result - what would we achieve as a result.
Are you a Trooprz or For My Brothers NFT holder
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