Convivir Colorado School Partnerships
Fill out this interest form to obtain more information about how your school can partner with us!

Convivir partners with schools across Colorado to provide low-cost, school-based
  1. Staff professional development
  2. Family informational workshops
  3. Youth enrichment sessions
We also offer free Out-of-School Programming - learn more on our website!
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Staff Professional Development
We help schools better understand and support undocumented youth and mixed immigration status families. 

Our aim is to increase staff’s culturally competent understanding of:
  • Youth’s unique challenges and opportunities in the education system
  • Trauma-informed practices to uplift youth’s self-advocacy and empowerment
  • Policies and protocols to ensure youth safety within the existing legal-political ecosystem
What staff-facing professional development topics are you interested in? *
Our ideal professional development time commitment is 90 minutes
Family Informational Workshops
We help school's immigrant and refugee families better access immigration-related resources. 

Our aim is to increase families’ safe understanding of:
  • Age-appropriate discussions to facilitate with their youth
  • Their constitutional rights within the existing legal-political ecosystem
  • Proactive preparation for an immigration-related emergency
What family-facing informational topics are you interested in? *
Youth Enrichment Sessions 
We help school's immigrant, refugee, and first generation American youth find power in their migrant journey.

Our aim is to increase youth’s social-emotional understanding of:
  • The assets they bring to this country
  • How to navigate integration while preserving their cultural heritage
  • Their role in creating a more just and inclusive ecosystem for all
What youth-facing session topics are you interested in? *
What questions can we answer for you in our follow up email? *
Tell Us About You & Your School!
School District *
Individual School *
write n/a if you're submitting this form on behalf of a school district department
Your Role at the School or School District *
Check all that apply to your school or school district *
First Name *
Last Name *
Email *
How did you hear about us? *
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