Telehealth in Service Delivery
CPLA counselors have the option of providing Telehealth services as needed and when appropriate in order to meet the counseling needs of our partner school communities. Telehealth is a collection of means or methods for enhancing health care, public health, and health education delivery and support using telecommunications technologies. Telehealth encompasses a broad variety of technologies and tactics to deliver virtual medical, health and education services. Telehealth is not a specific service, but a collection of means to enhance care and education delivery.
I understand that Telehealth based services and care can be as effective as face-to-face services. I also understand that the counselor with consultation will determine the best service delivery methods including face-to-face and telehealth for my counseling needs. I understand that I also have the right to request and choose a mental health professional in the community who can provide a specific model of service delivery.
I understand that I have a right to confidentiality with Telehealth under the same laws that protect confidentiality during in-school, in person CPLA counseling. I further understand that there are risks unique and specific to Telehealth, including but not limited to, the possibility that our therapy session or other communication by the CPLA counselor to others regarding my treatment, could be disrupted or distorted by technical failures, or could be interrupted, or could be accessed by unauthorized persons. I understand that I can withdraw my consent to Telehealth communications by providing written notification.