Disclosure Form for Felony/Misdemeanor Convictions

This document is a recognition and confirmation that Oakland University has made a good faith effort to inform education students of potential actions by Oakland University School of Education and Human Services and/or the Michigan Department of Education (MDE). 

Michigan Department of Education reviews all applications for certification for candidates having reportable offenses or convictions on their record. Even after successful completion of a teacher education program and recommendation for certification, MDE may deny certification based upon the misdemeanor, criminal and/or felony records of certification candidates as well as licensed educators. Refer to the State's list of Enumerated Offenses on the MDE website for detailed information.

Questions related to misdemeanor, criminal and/or felony records must be answered honestly. Falsification or failure to disclose information may be grounds for denial of admittance or dismissal from the OU School of Education and Human Services education program, denial of a student teaching placement, and/or denial of certification. Any future misdemeanors, criminal and/or felony convictions must be reported to Oakland University prior to graduation and may jeopardize admission to the education program, student teaching, and/or recommendation for certification. 

At the time of recommendation for certification, individuals with reportable offenses or convictions on their record will be required to provide court documents that show resolution of the issue, as well as provide a signed statement of explanation. If you need to submit court documents and a signed statement of explanation, contact the Certification Office at certification@oakland.edu for guidance. This information will be reviewed and assessed by the Michigan Department of Education before certification can be granted.

Conviction and Substantiated Case of Child Abuse or Neglect Questions

Oakland University must request information involving possible convictions and substantiated cases that may impact certification from all potential and current teacher education candidates. You must answer the following questions truthfully. Falsification of any information regarding your criminal history may be grounds for dismissal from SEHS at Oakland University and/or denial and/or revocation of your teaching certificate from the Michigan Department of Education. If a case of child abuse or neglect has been substantiated against you and/or if you are required to register with the Child Abuse/Neglect Central Registry, you may be unable to complete the requirements for your program. Please note, questions 1-2 do not pertain to any charges you may have against you as a juvenile. 

If you have had a conviction expunged (a legal process to strike out a criminal record or conviction and is granted by a judge) you must answer “yes” to the appropriate question(s) below and then you should state that it was legally expunged with the date of expungement. Documentation of the expungement should be sent to certification@oakland.edu.

Important Notes: Pleading “No Contest” is still considered by the Michigan Department of Education to have been convicted of the crime and you must answer, “Yes” to the appropriate question(s) below. Also, during your enrollment, you must report any future convictions or substantiated cases of child abuse or neglect to Oakland University’s School of Education and Human Services Director of Teacher Education in a timely manner.

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