New Blood
The Red Village $35,000 USD New Blood Championship is the largest ever Web 3 gaming rental event, powered by IQ Protocol’s brand-new p2p NFT rental marketplace. It is completely free to play; prizes include over $20,000 in USDC, and $15,000 in assets from The Red Village and other web3 gaming communities.

Free-For-All Prize Pool ($25,000)

  • $2,500 in weekly USDC prizes for the most active players ($10,000 total)
  • 50 x $75 TRV Asset Bundles Raffled each week ($15,000 total) 
  • A collection of valuable digital assets from partner communities raffled each week

Faction Prize Pool ($10,000)

  • Community-based competition that encourages you and your friends to work together, with a $10,000 USDC winner-take-all prize for the most active community!
  • Each member of the winning faction receives a part of the prize pool based on the number of quest points they’ve earned during the event, relative to their faction’s total points!
  • Fill out this form by 9pm ET (1am UTC), Friday 21st June
  • The FINAL ROUND of the Championship begins at the deadline! 9pm ET (1am UTC), Friday 21st June
Sign in to Google to save your progress. Learn more
PUBLIC Wallet Address
Provide your ERC-20 compatible wallet address (starts with 0x...)
Discord ID 
Please provide your unique discord ID

If you do not have one, write N/A (note this will reduce your ability to win prizes)
Twitter Name
Provide your unique twitter name (eg

Get shout outs for quest completions, leaderboard achievements and raffle wins.
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Stay up to date on new TRV game modes, events, and early access for our upcoming AAA ARPG called Darklands.
It's that easy. Welcome to The Red Village, Battlemaster.

Last question, what is your favorite video game? (So we know you're not a bot)
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