Open Letter: Lawyers for 1.5˚C, Humanity's Lifeline
A stable climate is the foundation for settled life and the rule of law. Even with 1.2˚C warming, floods and wildfires are wreaking havoc in the UK and around the world, with our young people and the Global South on the frontline. Breach of the 1.5˚C goal of the Paris Agreement threatens the collapse of ecosystems, mass loss of life and the end of the rule of law. Despite the challenging odds, we cannot resign to such an outcome.

It has been estimated that the City of London alone supports around 15% of global carbon emissions. City lawyers advise on and profit from these transactions. But lawyers can also be a powerful force for good, advancing accountability and justice. It is high time for the legal profession to stand up for the conditions which make the planet habitable.

The Good Law Project and the climate justice charity PlanB.Earth, working together with external counsel, Rhodri Price Lewis QC and Margherita Cornaglia, have drafted a letter, advancing 3 modest propositions concerning lawyers' responsibilities in relation to the climate crisis.

We invite all members of the legal profession to read it, sign it and share it with your colleagues. The intention is to publish the letter in the legal and national press.

The letter is here. To sign on, please complete the short form below (your name should then appear on within 24 hours).

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Francisca Chagas dos Santos, Rio Branco
, Brazil
, March 2015 (© Gideon Mendel)
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