Our Tools They Deserve -- Acceleration Team

Help me spread our message by joining the book's Acceleration  Team.


My new book, "Our Tools They Deserve: Why Adults Choose Retribution, How Students Can Practice Restoration" will be available on October 8th. My intention with this book is to support school systems in better positiong students to experience and achieve their full potential. Student outcomes don't change until adult behaviors change. 

But we can't impact the people we don't reach. Hence the need for a book launch process guided by the Acceleration Team. One of the important parts of the process is getting first week sales as high as possible as a way of scoring well on the algorithms that determine how broadly the book will reach people in the future. Another important part is book reviews on the site. Beyond distributing books, we also need to increase the volume of the conversation about the ideas in the book. 


As an Acceleration Team for this conversation, we need to accomplish these three things: 

- Engage with our student maximization allies across the nation -- folks like us who have been looking for a tribe that's also intensely focused on improving student outcomes -- by introducing them to the book via social media, podcast, and virtual and in-person events

- Sell 1000 books in the first 7 days of the book's release (ebook is available for $.99 for the first three days) 

- Receive at least 25 reviews in the first 7 days of the book's release


To accomplish these objectives,  I'll need your support with whichever of these you're able to do:

- Join me for an optional Acceleration Team zoom at 1pm central on October 1st where you'll get updates on our efforts, and share about how the conversation is going in your community.

- Creating this conversation across social media, through book clubs, and in our local parent/teacher/school board meetings (I'll provide samples of all the images/videos/posts you'll need). 

- Reading the book in advance then buying it and posting a review during the first week.

- Having coordinated purchases from school districts and partners across the nation during the first week. 

- Help identify which tools would be most useful to include in the companion workbook.

- Co-host on-line and in-person events to expand the conversation about student-led restorative practices.

For the first three days, all versions of the book will be at the lowest possible price to facilitate those who want it to be able to afford it.  


We are a strong group of advocates who want to improve student outcomes. We believe in what's possible for our nation's children and believe that having a clear intention around student maximization is a catalyst for manifesting that possibility. If you sense a calling to this effort within yourself, my request is this: join us by completing the form below. You'll be asked to read, rate, and review the book, look for opportunities to creatively promote the book, and other similar tasks as we countdown to launch day.

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Would you be willing to read an early copy of the book, purchase a copy when it comes out (ebook available for $.99) and then post a review on Amazon on October 8th -- the day the book comes out?
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Would you be open to hosting a virtual or in-person event with me to discuss the book and maximizing student potential?
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Do you have connections with or recommendations for a podcast or blog I should guest on to share about maximizing student potential?
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Do you have or would you be willing to create a book club you could read the book with and discuss the journey toward maximizing student potential?
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Any other comments, thoughts, or ideas about how to spread this message?
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