Taglist Form
Hello and thank you for clicking this link 💜

Please pay special attention to these next points before you keep going.

⇾ If your username is crossed, it means I couldn’t tag you, so please make sure to check your blog visibility.

⇾ Please let me know if you change your url, an ask will be fine, and I’ll take care of it.

⇾ I’m honoured and happy that you wanna be tagged in my work, but I must ask you to do this only if you’re genuinely interested in it.
Please take note that if you do add yourself, but after being tagged for three times, you will not have interacted with any of those new works, I will remove you and will no longer be tagging you.
It might sound harsh, I’m aware of that, but I don’t see the point in insisting when there’s lack of response.
I produce content and I want people to enjoy it, not to feel forced to consume it when they’re clearly not interested.

⇾ If, for any reason, you don’t wish to be tagged anymore, feel free to contact me (via ask, dm, whatever you prefer) anytime you want and I’ll remove you from the taglist.
No explanation required, no hard feelings: you have the right to add your username and you have the right to remove it. Simple as that.
If then, by any chance, you end up changing your mind once again, this Google Form will still be here.
It’s up to you, really.
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What is your username? Be sure to add your @ (for example @justapurrcat) *
Do you want to be tagged in nsfw? (Remember that you must be 18+) *
Please choose what you want me to tag you in *
Feel free to specify anything that I failed to mention or if you have specific requests (like, "only Penguin Crush related works" or "Tom Holland but not the Merman!au" or other eventual Tom characters, et simili)
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