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Scheme WG2 Yellow/Kronos Edition ballot
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1. [non-portable macro system] Should R7RS provide R6RS syntax-case?
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2. [non-portable macro system] Should R7RS provide explicit renaming?
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3. [non-portable macro system] Should R7RS provide the R6RS identifier-syntax macro transformer?
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4. [non-portable macro feature] Should R7RS provide syntax parameters (hygiene bending)?
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5. [non-portable macro feature] Should R7RS provide R6RS-style splicing versions of let-syntax and letrec-syntax?
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6. [non-portable macro feature] Should R7RS provide identifier aliasing?
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7. [non-portable macro feature] Should R7RS allow arbitrary properties to be attached to an identifier?
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8. [portable syntax-rules] Should R7RS provide a generalization of cond to allow different kinds of falsy value or multiple values?
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9. [portable syntax-rules] Should R7RS provide syntax for binding a single multiple-valued expression to local variables?
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10. [portable syntax-rules] Should R7RS provide syntax for binding a local variable to its body for recursive use?
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11. [portable syntax-rules] Should R7RS provide syntax for specializing parameters?
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12. [portable syntax-rules] Should R7RS provide named let with rest arguments?
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13. [portable syntax-rules] Should R7RS provide syntax (not lexical syntax) for infix notation?
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14. [portable syntax-rules] Should R7RS allow definitions like (define ((foo a b) d e f), where foo accepts arguments a and b and returns a procedure that accepts arguments d, e, and f?
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15. Should R7RS provide a library of portable syntax-rules macros and procedures for handling multiple values?
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