I'd like to visit a Homes! 我想参与 Homes!
Homes are small groups in Acts Church where we meet in a home setting to have meals together, worship, study God's Word and grow friendships. Get connected to one today and meet a community of people that you can journey through life with.
Homes 是 Acts 教会里的小组,通常设立于家中,成员们会一起用饭、敬拜赞美、研读神的话语和建立友谊。今天就加入小组来认识一个可与你共同行走生命历程的社群。

"They devoted themselves to the apostles’ teaching and to fellowship, to the breaking of bread and to prayer.. They broke bread in their homes and ate together with glad and sincere hearts." Acts 2: 42, 46b
‭‭使徒行传‬ ‭2:42, 46‬b
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