Please use the form below to apply to attend the 1-hour Bystander Intervention Workshop practice session, which will be held on:
The meeting information will be sent closer to the date. For the February session, please apply no later than Monday, February 5.
Description for the ADVANCEGeo Bystander Intervention Workshop
Length: 1 hour
This is an advanced session that will focus on applying the bystander intervention principles learned in the 3-hour workshop. If you have not attended an ADVANCEGeo workshop before, or have never taken a bystander intervention training, please sign up for the full workshop instead.
This interactive session describes different types of exclusionary behaviors that affect recruitment and retention into STEM, the academic practices and institutional structures that allow for exclusionary behaviors to persist, and provides training in personal intervention strategies to protect and support targets of exclusionary behaviors. As a result of this session, participants will be able to identify: (1) different ways in which harassment, bullying, and other types of exclusionary behaviors can manifest in research environments; (2) strategies for bystander intervention, and (3) resources for cultural change in academic institutions and professional societies.
ADVANCEGeo is a partnership of representatives from the Earth Science Women’s Network, Association for Women Geoscientists, and the American Geophysical Union to address the problem of sexual harassment and other exclusionary behaviors that lead to hostile working and learning climates in the earth, space and environmental sciences. Together, we have developed bystander intervention education training through a four-year, $1.1 million grant from the National Science Foundation ADVANCE program.
We take a multi-level approach to transform workplace climate: at the institutional level, by addressing academic cultures through the leadership of scientific societies and on campus efforts; structurally, through policies and processes that guide professional conduct and response to sexual and other types of harassment; and individually, through education and empowerment of all members of our community. In addition to bystander intervention training, we offer additional trainings on implicit bias, microaggressions, developing codes of conduct, and bullying.
If you have any questions, please email