Family Connections Events
Come make connections and join the fun!

Get ready for food, fun, games, and excitement with other families like yours! 
This event will begin with dinner at 4:00 pm and be followed with games and activities for the whole family ending at 7:00 pm. 
Make connections with other families with Deaf, Hard of Hearing, and Visually Impaired students, teachers and staff, and resources available to support your child’s education.

Questions? Call/text Christina at (304)395-3471 or email us at

SPONSORED BY: WVDE TAC: WVOCDB partnering with WVSDB, WVDE, WV SenseAbilities Project, and WV Hands & Voices
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Email *
Which event will you be attending? *
Contact Person *
Address *
City *
County of Residence *
Phone Number *
Name and Age of Your Deaf or Hard of Hearing Child(ren)
Name and Age of Your Visually Impaired Child(ren)
Name and Age of Each Additional Child attending
Name of Each Additional Adults attending
Please indicate how many people in your group will be attending:
Adults *
Children (Birth to Three) *
Children (Age 4 - 12) *
Teens (Age 13 - 17) *
Dinner will be provided. Please indicate any allergies of which we should be aware.  We want to be make our event safe for everyone. *
Are there any additional accommodations your family needs in order to participate? (such as a sign language interpreter, wheelchair access, etc.) *
We want to be certain your child is able to fully access the fun. Does you child have any additional medical needs that affect their ability to join in? (such as vision impairment, autism, mobility issues, etc.) If so, please let us know what we can do to make them most comfortable and able to participate. *
How do you identify your place of residence (choose one)? *
We identify as: (select all that apply) *
A copy of your responses will be emailed to the address you provided.
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