Shop Local, Shop Small DC Pledge!
Join CNHED and our partners in taking the PLEDGE to intentionally support and patronize our local small businesses, especially Black and Brown owned establishments, during DC Small Business Month in May. When you shop small and local you help create and sustain District jobs, and keep money in your community and our keep economy growing. Our local brick and mortar businesses are an integral part of a diverse, beautiful tapestry that makes the District of Columbia unique, vibrant and thriving.

Every year around this time CNHED and its partners come together to use our platform to recognize, support and amplify the value of our small businesses as part of the Small Business Administration’s (SBA’s) national recognition of small business. DC Small Business Month, May 1-31, provides us an opportunity to spotlight and rally around our small businesses, which is why we’re launching this pledge.

We hope you'll intentionally Shop Local, Shop Small DC! in May.

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