Learning more about Friendship Families
God takes us on an amazing journey when we are an Friendship Family!  He stretches our family, teaches us many new things, works through us to bless others and shows us how much we need to rely on him as we share the gift of faith that he has given to us.

Please leave your name and email, phone number or mailing address below. 

We will be in touch offering the opportunity to
1) join zoom calls to learn more about being a friendship family
2) join a monitored email or instagram discussion group through which you can learn from others who are or are becoming friendship families
3) receive the ISM Inc. Newsletter to hear how God is at work across the US.

International Student Ministry Inc. (ISM Inc.) will not share or sell your contact information. We will at this time add you to  one email list, but will give you the option to join other opportunities offered by International Student Ministry.

If you will attend college or university this fall, then a different email list may be more appropriate for you. Check out the form at this link: https://forms.gle/P2LzHRDcKdp8zXW78
Sign in to Google to save your progress. Learn more
What would you like us to call you (first name or nickname)? *
What is your email address? (If you prefer, you may leave your phone number or mailing address, or the email address of a parent instead.) *
What is your city and state? (this will help us put you in touch with others who are ministering among international students)
What else would you like to tell us or ask us?
Thanks for exploring being a friendship family! We at ISM Inc. are here to support and encourage you. Our prayer partners across the US are praying that each international student will have at least one Christian friend.  Visit our website at www.isminc.org
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