Evergreen Community SPACES Request Form
For a quote for an ongoing or one-off rental (classes, rehearsal etc) Please note that requests are not processed on weekends and holidays. Please give 2-4 business days for a response.
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Email *
Today's Date *
First & Last Name *
Preferred Pronouns (Optional)
Phone number
What type of group do you represent?
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Name of your group (if applicable)
For example: ABC Dance School, etc.
Approximately how many participants are in your group? *
Type of activity *
For example: tap dance, yoga, writing workshop, film audition, exercise class, performance etc.
Do you require mirrors in your studio? *
What type of flooring do you require? *
When do you require space? *
Please indicate exact days and times and any recurrences. For example: Tuesdays 7-9pm starting January 1; or: May 3, 12-3pm. Minimum booking: one hour.
Any additional comments or questions
Where did you hear about Evergreen Community SPACES?
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