BRC Aid Survey
Hello Friends.
(Fellow Burning Man Staff/Volunteers)

We are trying to build a thing and asking you to co-create with us a system where we can offer support to one another when it's lacking, a little light in the darkness, a little skill where there is need.  

By filling out this questionnaire you’re pitching in your skills to help support our vast network, and you’re letting your friends know if and when you need a little help as well.  

“We” are a pan-departmental group of nerds who volun-told ourselves to help figure out a way we can better support one another year round during *gestures vaguely at everything*. All information shared will be kept private, and only shared with a small team of key members in our community on the BRC Aid Team.

As many hands make light work, we hope you join us in holding one another during difficult times.  

Fuck you, we're helping.
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What is your Burning Man Radio Handle or Playa Name? (We don’t need your legal name - just whatever makes you feel comfortable). *
What Burning Man department(s), if any, have you worked with?
Please tell us the zip code of where you are residing currently.
Which Burning Man region is closest to you?
What is your preferred method of contact? *
What is your preferred phone number? xxx-xxx-xxxx  Anyone who tries to contact you will text first.
What is your preferred email address?
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