Lesson 17
In our First Reading, we hear the end of the Noah and The Ark story.  He and his family have survived the great flood which was meant to clean the earth of the people’s wickedness.  Now God has placed a rainbow in the sky as a covenant between God and his people.  God promises never to destroy the earth’s people with a flood like that again.  In the second reading Peter reminds us that Noah and his family escaped the destruction of the flood.  They sailed through the floodwaters to a new life back then.  He says this is a sign that shows how we are saved through the waters of Baptism now. In Baptism, water is a sign of new life through Jesus’ resurrection.  He died for our sins to conquer death so that we might enjoy eternal life!  We learn in the Gospel that Jesus spent 40 days in the desert being tempted by the devil but was also surrounded by angel attendants!  He spent this time preparing to proclaim the good news: “The Kingdom of God is at hand!”.  He called the people to get ready for God’s Kingdom by reforming their lives!  Lent can be like a new day dawning- just like Noah and his family experienced after the flood.  It is time for a fresh beginning and a renewal in our lives!
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The story of Noah and the flood is a familiar one.  After the flood, God sent a rainbow as a sign of His promise or covenant with all living beings.  During the Lenten season, we also make promises or resolutions with God to prepare ourselves for Jesus' resurrection at Easter.  Besides "giving up" something for Lent, what is something you can do to grow closer to God in preparation for Easter? *
Jesus spent 40 days in the desert being tempted by Satan.  He was among wild beasts and the angels ministered to Him.  When you have made a promise or resolution for Lent, it is sometimes very difficult to keep it for the whole Lenten season.  Have you ever made a promise that was difficult to keep or a resolution that was too tempting to break?  What did you do to keep it or avoid temptation?  Was there something or someone that helped you be strong and not listen to the temptation? *
Lent is a time of sacrifice and reflection.  But it is also a time of giving and kindness.  What are ways you can show kindness at home? At school? In your community? *
The rainbow has become a symbol of hope and the chance given by God to humanity to start over after a period of destruction.  Do you think a rainbow is a good sign?  Why?  The past year has been a challenging time for the world.  If you had to choose a symbol to show hope during this pandemic, what would it be?  If you like, you may draw it and submit a photo of it to religiousedone@gmail.com *
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