Owning Our Truth, Embracing Our Change: Hope Edition
Join the Sloan Museum and the Community Foundation of Greater Flint for a special event in the Owning Our Truth, Embracing Our Change informational series. On January 17, at 10:00am at St. Michael's Conference Center, nationally-renowned speaker and author Rich Harwood brings his national civic campaign ("Enough. Time to Build.") to Flint for a special keynote address followed by audience Q&A.

Rich's campaign calls on community leaders and active citizens to reclaim the public square from the most divisive voices and unleash our capacity as builders and doers. This event will explore how the Flint community can forge a new pathway forward, create a can-do narrative, and catalyze action using the most basic parts of Harwood's road-tested Turning Outward approach to community-led, community-driven change.
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