Ding Darling Conservation Carnival Volunteer Registration
CHNEP is excited to participate and host environmental carnival activities for Earth Day at the Ding Darling Conservation Carnival!! For this event, we are calling for volunteers to help run our outreach booth. This is a fabulous opportunity to facilitate environmental education activities for children and adults! We will provide water and light refreshments throughout your shift.

Please Bring:
- Weather appropriate attire
- Comfortable shoes
- Water bottle
- Snacks

WHAT: Ding Darling Conservation Carnival
WHEN: Saturday, April 22, 2023 10:00 AM - 2:00 PM
WHERE: Lakes Regional Park (7330 Gladiolus Dr. Fort Myers)
Name *
Email *
Phone number *
Are you bringing any other volunteers with you? If so please list their names here.
Please list any additional information you feel necessary, if not listed above.
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