SHINE for Autumn Act
If you want to share your story or volunteer your valuable time, you have come to the right place. 
ANYONE can show support and help. You DO NOT need to be a bereaved parent to help.

The bipartisan Stillbirth Health Improvement and Education (SHINE) for Autumn Act will:
  • Improve stillbirth data collection
  • Implement a training program for medical professionals which will promote stillbirth research
  • Increase stillbirth awareness by developing education materials for families
Thank you for wanting to help us SHINE bright for all babies lost too soon!  Let's make 2024 the year for change- the time is NOW to end preventable stillbirth in the US!

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Baby's Name
If applicable
Baby's Birthday
If applicable
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Anyone can share their story! (bereaved parent, family member, friend, provider, stakeholder, etc.)
Your stories make a SIGNIFICANT impact!
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