Disability Discrimination Practice Checklist - Service Manager (DDPC-SM)(Public Sector)  
Invitation to review your practice in relation to disability discrimination under the Equality Act 2010.

The Introduction to Disability Discrimination Practice Checklists, (DDPCs) includes essential information on development, full disclaimer, copyright, permissions, authors/contributors, as well as acknowledgments. This is downloadable from the DDPC tab of the website: www.equitynotjustequality.co.uk

The questions for this DDPC are based on the Equality and Human Rights Commission statutory code on Employment (EHRC, 2011a). Paragraph references are provided to this code and a few articles of the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (UNCRPD). NB: The authors have no legal expertise and this does not constitute legal advice. 

In the event of queries please contact Andy Tyerman, lead author, by email: a.d.tyerman@gmail.com

Whilst submitted responses are stored anonymously, you will initially be asked for an email address. This is solely so that a copy can be sent to you for information and as a record of CPD for professional registration.  You have two options depending on whether you wish to provide an email to receive a copy of the submission.

If you are happy to provide your email address at the start and click ‘submit’ at the end of the form you will receive a copy of your submission including a note of your score. These emails will be deleted on a regular basis and not retained in order to preserve anonymity.


If you do not wish to provide an email address you can continue to complete the exercise by entering a fictitious email (e.g. notmyemail@gmail.com) (FYI: Google Forms requires an entry to the email question to enable the automatic copy facility). Whilst you will not then receive a copy of the submission or a your score, you can still print your response by going back to the beginning and printing each page separately. 

FYI  Google Forms automatically saves your progress for 30 days when you're signed in to your Google account so you can work across devices or take a break without starting over the next time you open the form.

I hope you find this DDPC to be informative and helpful.

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