2020 Teaching Internship
Please use this form to apply for our Teaching Internship.  Physics and Maths Internships are funded by the Department for Education.

Applicantions are followed by an interview at Chorlton High School, where Interns will spend their four weeks. Internship vacancies will close once enough applications are received. 16 places are available for June 2020.

You must meet the criteria in section 1 to apply for the Internship. If you would like further information about the internship programme, please contact Alice Girault A.Girault@chorltonhigh.manchester.sch.uk 
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Which Internship are you applying for? We are only funded to offer Internships in the following subjects. Some degree study routes will allow you to enter in more than one subject; for example, many engineering degrees meet the criteria for both Physics and Maths entry. *
Your Current Year of Study? Under this scheme, please note that we are only able to accept interns who are in their penultimate year of undergraduate study (graduation in spring/summer 2021). If you select other, please explain how your course is structured below. Please note that the decision on whether we can accept your application may need to go to our funding body, the Department for Education. *
Do you confirm that you are available for the whole period of the Internship? This scheme will require your attendance for full days on Monday - Friday between Monday 15th June- Friday 10th July 2020. *
Do you have the appropriate visa / permissions to take part in this programme? *
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