Fremont Local Elections Survey
The Fremont Student Journalist Coalition (FSJC), a collective of all five FUSD high school newspapers (American, Irvington, Kennedy, Mission San Jose, and Washington High Schools), is covering the upcoming local FUSD Board, city council, and mayoral elections in a series of articles and posts on our forthcoming website.

As part of this initiative, we are surveying FUSD students, parents, and teachers, as well as other community members on what issues you're interested in seeing your elected officials address. We want to make sure all voters' voices are heard, and we plan on using your responses to help shape the topics we highlight in our interviews with the candidates.

Fill out this Google Form to voice your opinions! (This is 100% anonymous).
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Which of the following best describes you? *
Please rank the issues you are most interested in seeing the Fremont Unified School District (FUSD) Board candidates address on a scale of 1-5 with 1 being the most interesting topic to you. Leave the issues that are not included in your top 5 choices blank (In other words, only choose 5 topics).
Distance Learning & Transition Back to In-Person/Hybrid School
Bargaining with Fremont Unified District Teachers' Association (FUDTA)
School Environment (in terms of diversity, inclusion, do students feel safe?)
Special Education
Budgeting (Arts Funding, Middle School Conversions, etc.)
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If you chose "Other" for this question, what topic(s) were you referencing?
Please rank the issues you are most interested in seeing the Fremont City Council and Mayoral candidates address on a scale of 1-5 with 1 being the most interesting topic to you. Leave the issues that are not included in your top 5 choices blank (In other words, only choose 5 topics).
Homeless Navigation Center
Police Department
Black Lives Matter Movement
COVID-19 Response
Traffic and Transportation
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If you chose "Other" for this question, what topic(s) were you referencing?
Is there anything else you'd like us to keep in mind as we take on this project? We appreciate your support!
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