Common Threads Volunteer Application
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Your Name *
Your Email *
Your Phone *
Please describe your availability, including:
-Date range
-Days of the week
-Available times each day
What are you most interested in helping with? *
Is there a particular location/school garden (s) where you would like to volunteer? It is super helpful for you to list at least 1 school--your child's school or your closest neighborhood school is a great choice!  *
We would love to hear what has motivated you to apply and if there are any special skills or experiences you are bringing to Common Threads? 

If you are volunteering with us in cooking classes or on our food truck, you will be required to have a Washington State Food Worker Permit.  This 30-45 minute online class and short test.  You will be reimbursed the $10 certification fee for successfully completing the course.  
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Occasionally we need assistance in the form of a truck to be used for garden maintenance like wood chip, compost, cardboard pick up and transport.  Please comment here if you have a truck and would be willing to be on a list to call as needed for this specific task.  
Are you willing to go through a volunteer application process from a school district (s) that we partner with? (This involves completing a background check, and is required for all volunteers helping in school gardens/classrooms)

PHOTO RELEASE: I/We hereby grant Common Threads the right to reproduce in any of its printed and online publications all pictures that it has produced of myself and/or my child(ren). I also grant Common Threads the right to share this photo with any funders who may use it in their marketing and media materials. *
WAIVER: I agree to release and hold harmless all staff, volunteers, and partner organizations any injury or accident that may result from my participation in volunteer events. I agree to listen to and follow any safety instructions presented to me. I agree to use good judgment based on physical ability and to immediately stop participating if it becomes too difficult. *
How did you hear about us?  *
If "other" please let us know where you heard about us! 
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