AVID - CRMS Application 2025-2026 School Year
Applications are due by Friday, February 7. 2025
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Email *
Student's name (first and last) *
Parent or guardian's name (first and last - both ) *
Parent or guardian's contact (phone number) *
Do you have a sibling that is/was a AVID student? *
Grade level (2024-2025) school year *
5th Grade students; which elementary school do you attend? *
Name of your 5th grade teacher *
 Semester 1 final math grade *
Semester 1 final ELA grade *
Do you have any discipline referrals for the 2024-2025 school year? *
If you answered yes to the question above please explain *
How many days of school have you missed this year? *
Parents and Students need to type names below:  By signing this contract, I AGREE TO: 1. Enroll in the AVID elective course and maintain a B or higher in the class. 2. Complete all homework and projects in ALL courses. 3. Maintain an AVID binder, take focused notes and review regularly. Keep track of assignments and due dates by using a calendar. 4. Participate in AVID tutorial groups and be prepared for class. 5. Take a rigorous curriculum, assisted by my parents, AVID teacher, and counselor. 6. Help maintain a positive learning atmosphere by having a good attitude. 7. Participate in all AVID required activities throughout the year, including field trips, tutorials, and monthly dress-up day. 8. Maintain satisfactory citizenship, discipline, and attendance in all classes.  9. Maintain a grade point average of at least a 2.5 and have a grade of C or higher in all my academic classes. * A GPA of below a 2.5 and/or a grade below a C at the end of any grading period (midterm and report card) is a violation of the contract. A first offense within the school year will result in academic probation. A second offense may result in dismissal from the program. 10. Discipline infractions will be handled on an individual basis and may result in dismissal from the program depending on severity and frequency.

 I want to succeed, and I understand that I must take individual responsibility for my own success. I understand that in order to give fair consideration to my involvement with the program, I must commit to remaining enrolled in AVID for at least one year, and that I will be allowed to remain in the program only if I meet the student responsibilities outlined above. I also understand that studies show that I will be most likely to demonstrate academic improvement if I remain in the program at least three years. Most importantly I am most likely to meet my goal of college and career readiness if I remain in the AVID program through my senior year of high school. Students please Type your name below stating you have read the above requirements. Parents please Type your name below also. *
By applying to the AVID program I understand, that AVID is  selective and acceptance is not guaranteed. Acceptance will depend on many factors: interview, recommendation from current teachers, academic success, standardized test scores, and discipline history. Interviews will take place during the months of April and May. Acceptance letters will be sent out in May. *
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