ESN Leuven Pub Crawl
This is the registration link for the famous Pub Crawl of ESN Leuven on 06/02/2023 from 20.30 - 00.30h. We will show you around some of the best bars on and around Oude Markt. After registering you can come pick up your wristband on Monday 05/02 (10.30 - 17.00h) and Tuesday 06/02 (10.30 - 17.00h) at Pangaea (Andreas Vesaliusstraat 34).  

 -> The Pub Crawl is free, but you have to buy your own drinks. With the wristband you get a free shot when you order a drink. YOU CAN ONLY GET FREE SHOTS IF YOU PICK UP A WRISTBAND. <-

Your personal information (name and email adress) will be deleted after the event. We need your email to contact you about the meeting place, which will depend on the colour of your wristband.

ps. If you want to be in the same group as your friend, we suggest coming to the office together to pick up your wristband.
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