Overall EA London/UK organisational feedback form 
This survey pertains to EA UK (formerly EA London) as a local EA group, the activities/strategy of the group and the paid organisers - Lynn and David. We are not asking about the global EA movement as a whole or other EA groups that we don't manage in the UK (such as city groups, student groups, cause area groups, career/professional groups or interest groups). 

See our website for more information about who we are and what we do.
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Name and contact details 
Letting us know who you are will give us better context about the ways in which EA UK has interacted with you and allows us to follow up with you. If you'd prefer to stay anonymous, feel free to leave this blank. 
Please select each of the following actions you've taken, if any, as a direct result of interacting with EA London/UK
Have your knowledge, actions or plans to improve the world changed because of EA London/UK
For example, your career or giving (plans)
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