New Teacher Virtual Edcamp 10/28
Virtual Edcamp for New* Teachers 10/28: For new and new-ish teachers, the start of the year has been full of both celebrations and challenges. On Thursday October 28, join your BPS colleagues for an Edcamp. It’s a space to connect with other new teachers, ask your questions, and share your wisdom. An Edcamp is a unique “unconference” form of professional development where attendees create the agenda and learn from one another. This Edcamp is hosted by the New Teacher Development program and the Telescope Network. It’s open to anyone new to teaching (<5 years) or new to BPS. Attendees please bring one practice to share (something that’s worked for you so far) and one question. You’ll leave with new connections and resources. Join on Zoom from 4:30 to 6:30 p.m.

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If applicable.
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BPS Employee ID#
If applicable. This will be used so that we can award PD credits on TeachPoint.
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