Registration form for psyCH Trainers' School 2022
Great to see you here! We are very pleased that you are interested in taking part in Trainer’s School- A weeklong stay in the idyllic Alps filled with interesting, creative, and dynamic trainings.
We thought of everything: your accommodation, trainings, meals, and snacks each day and social program are included in the price.

Give it a try and apply for this year’s great event and become a 2022 psyCH Trainer’s Community member.

Hope to see you there,
Your psyCH Trainers’ School Team 2022
Sign in to Google to save your progress. Learn more
What is your first and last name? *
What is your E-mail Adress? *
What is your address? (Street, Number , City, Postal Code, Country)
What is your phone number? (Pleas add your country code eg +41 77 123 45 67) *
Where do you study? *
What do you study? *
How did you hear about us? *
I am aware that by filling out this form I am enrolling for the Trainers' School and commit myself to pay the amount of CHF 320 / CHF 400 (non psyCH member). *
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