Infinite Flow Coaching Application

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Full Name: *
Phone Number: *
Location (City, Country): *
Describe Your Current Situation.
(What does your personal or professional life look like right now? What’s working, and what’s not?)
What challenges are you facing that feel like they’re holding you back from living with clarity, flow, and purpose? *
What transformation are you seeking? How would you know this coaching has been successful for you? *
How would you describe your current ability to stay in flow? (e.g., feeling aligned, energized, and productive)? What tends to disrupt it?
What Does Success Look Like to You Beyond External Achievements?
(What does deeper fulfillment, purpose, and alignment mean to you?)

What Areas of Your Life Do You Want to Transform Most? (Select all that apply.)

Are You Ready to Invest in Yourself Financially and Emotionally to Create Lasting Change?

How much time are you able to dedicate to this coaching process each week?

On a Scale of 1 to 10, How Committed Are You to Transforming Your Life?
Fully Committed
Have You Worked with a Coach or Guide Before? If So, What Was the Experience Like?
What Barriers Are Preventing You from Achieving Your Goals Right Now?
(E.g., lack of clarity, procrastination, burnout, limiting beliefs, etc.)
What Specific Outcomes Would Make You Feel This Coaching Was a Success?

What level of investment are you ready to make for a transformational coaching experience?

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