Rogue Farm Corps 2024 Beginning Farmer Event Series Application
Please fill out this form to apply to attend  RFC's Beginning Farmer Educational Event Series. 

The event series is described here:

Event series schedules are here:

Online-only events: $320
Portland, Rogue Valley, or Willamette Valley in-person event series packages: $500 (with an additional 6 in-person events)

Scholarships Available - request in the form below.
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Email *
First Name *
Last Name *
Preferred Pronoun(s)
Please let us know how you like to be referred to. Select all that apply.
Phone Number *
Street Address *
City *
State *
Which event series are you interested in? *
I'd like to request a scholarship *
If requesting a scholarship, how much of the fee would you be able to afford, if any?
Current Farm/Ranch Engagement: *
check all that apply
Please briefly describe your current engagement with farming / ranching: *
E.g. I work on xxx farm as an employee and would like to move into farm management positions in the future.
What prior farm/ranch experience do you have if any? *
How will this event series help you progress toward your agricultural goals? *
Please list languages spoken and fluency level *
I have reviewed the event schedule and can commit to attending events. *
Are there any accessibility needs that you have for in-person on-farm events and/or online Zoom events?
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