Teen Research Association Registration Form

Teen Research Association is a nonprofit founded in 2023 to gather bright-minded and qualified teen researchers to contribute to the scientific community. This nonprofit’s goal isn’t to foster the research community by growing more student researchers. Instead, the main goal of this nonprofit is to become a strong community of already qualified teen researchers. By forming a strong group of teen researchers, the Teen Research Association hopes to strengthen teen researchers’ voices in the scientific community, and hopefully open more opportunities for future generations of teenage researchers to come.

For More Info: Logistics Document


Email *
Name *
First and last name
Phone number
Write your age and grade level.  *
Where do you live? Write the country and the school. *
What is your discord username? *
Add you LinkedIn profile. If you don't have one, put N/A. *
List all of your extracurricular activities and the year they were done.  *
Describe your research experience. How was it?  How is it going? What did you research? *
The decisions will be sent to you via email before September 1st. Please check your email until then.
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