Take the Action50 Pledge

As part of WIF’s 50th Anniversary, the organization has launched Action50, a list of specific, actionable steps Hollywood can take to advance gender equity. Some actions will be a lighter lift, while others can create real transformational change in our industry. 

WIF will conduct follow up with participants to help them reach their goals.

Select at least one actionable item below and then click SUBMIT to complete your form. 

Thank you for your participation! Together, we will create a more inclusive and equitable Hollywood.

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1. Increase new-hire gender diversity by 10% in 2024

2. Vote for a gender-balanced ballot during awards season 

3. Attend a WIF event

4. Hire a woman, nonbinary, or trans person to direct your next project 

5. Hold or participate in local rallies for equity in Hollywood

6. Apply for the ReFrame stamp and use the stamp criteria to incentivize inclusive hiring
7. Reach out to WIF for a list of our talented WIF Fellows, then meet with one of them

8. Hire a WIF Fellow for your next project

9. Join IMDbPro and self-identify demographic information on your IMDb and IMDbPro name page and get discovered and hired

10. Follow WIF on social media: Instagram, Facebook, X, LinkedIn, Tiktok 

11. Subscribe to WIF’s newsletter 

12. Hold a company-wide meeting to set a gender equity goal - and a plan to achieve it!

13. Mentor a WIF Fellow

14. Become a WIF Corporate Sponsor at the major level and invest in a WIF program of your choice. Email Laura Marie Salinas for more information: lsalinas@wif.org
15. If you have greenlight authority, commit to making 10% more women, nonbinary, and trans-led projects

16. Promote the WIF Help Line in your employee manuals and on your call sheets

17. Underwrite screenings/panels with WIF to elevate and celebrate the work of women working on your projects
18. Invest in WIF’s Emerging Program to build the pipeline of women, nonbinary, and trans people into the industry

19. Buy a table or tickets to WIF Honors, the annual fundraiser for WIF’s programs that build the pipeline, sustain careers, and advocate for change. Email Laura Marie Salinas for more information: lsalinas@wif.org

20. Become a WIF Brand Ambassador and amplify our work

21. Volunteer to Speak at our WIF panels and share your expertise with the next generation of women, nonbinary, and trans people in entertainment

22. Amplify WIF’s advocacy campaigns

23. Follow 50 women, nonbinary, and trans creators on social media 

24. Set a goal for a gender-balanced roster of clients

25. Hire 10% more directors of underrepresented genders on pilot episodes

26. Meet with a new composer of an underrepresented gender each month

27. Download and use our Action50 social media toolkit

29. Introduce 3 friends/colleagues to WIF

30. Donate $50 to support staffing for our Help Line, which provides resources and support to anyone who has experienced harassment, abuse, or discrimination while working in the entertainment industry.

31. Double your impact by having your company match your WIF donation

32. Host a WIF Support Spaces conversation for internal teams to inspire and create safer workplace policies for women and sustain them in their careers.
33. Watch the 50 Films created by women, nonbinary, and trans people on our Letterboxd watch list

34. Bring the ReFrame Resource to your work 

35. Host a peer-to-peer fundraiser for WIF. Please contact Christy Kleppinger for assistance: ckleppinger@wif.org

36. Fund a woman or gender expansive-led short film 

37. Purchase gift WIF memberships for 3 younger entertainment professionals in your life
38. Advocate for a raise in pay for your coordinators and assistants, many of whom are people of underrepresented genders

39. Bring gender inclusive training to your workplace 

40. Include WIF in your FYC campaign plans to host events, promote titles, and talent to get more women, nonbinary, and trans people nominated
41. Incorporate WIF into your Estate Planning to help build the next generation of leaders in entertainment
42. Note every time you go into a meeting or speak on a panel if the room/panel is gender balanced; if not, say something to the organizer to make sure that next time it will be
43. Once a month, ask a more experienced woman in entertainment to lunch to learn how she built her career
44. Once a month, ask a less experienced woman in entertainment to lunch to help her achieve her professional goals and navigate challenges

45. Commit to making every list you generate for projects gender balanced

47. Bring free WIF student memberships to your alma mater

48. Moderate a WIF Q&A

49. Apply for a WIF Fellowship

50. Donate $50,000 to invest in the next generation of storytellers. Your donation will  support WIF’s Fellowships program for early-to-mid career women working in film and TV. Please contact Christy Kleppinger for major gifts: ckleppinger@wif.org

51. Add your own
A copy of your responses will be emailed to the address you provided.
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