PRIDE in Healthcare OUT and ALLY Lists 2017-2018
An important part of advancing the health of LGBTQ+ (lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and queer) patients is to ensure that LGBTQ+ students and health professionals have the opportunity to be visible if they so choose.

Discrimination, both subtle and overt, is an unfortunately common experience among LGBTQ+ students. Even though other campus community members may not perceive the school climate to be hostile or uncomfortable for their LGBTQ+ peers, students within these communities may feel differently. Visibility is key to combating alienation.

In order to promote visibility of LGBTQ+ students, faculty, staff, and allies, PRIDE in Healthcare maintains an ALLY LIST and OUT LIST. The list is posted on the PRIDE in Healthcare board and blog and serves as a resource for LGBTQ+ students and LGBTQ-friendly students to identify people who care about inclusiveness in our school. Students, faculty, and staff who wish to publicly advertise their LGBTQ+ or allied status have the option to join the list. Presence or absence from the OUT LIST and ALLY LIST is a strictly personal decision--no questions asked.

Please share any concerns by emailing You may leave the list at any time by emailing with the subject "Leave OUT LIST" or "Leave ALLY LIST" and your name in the body.

In order to be an ALLY on the list, you must agree to the following statements:
(1) LGBTQ+ students, faculty, and staff deserve to feel as welcome and comfortable at our school as all others.
(2) The presence of LGBTQ+ students, faculty, and staff is important for the diversity of our school and the healthcare and public health workforce.
(3) To the extent that I am willing and able, I will be supportive of LGBTQ+ students.

In order to be on the OUT list, you must agree to the following statements:
(1) I identify as a member of a sexual, gender, and/or romantic minority.
(2) I understand that coming out and being out are personal affairs. I will neither pressure nor coerce any of my students, faculty, or staff who I know or suspect are LGBTQ+ to out themselves.
(3) I understand that appearing on the ALLY LIST imposes no specific requirements on allies.
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Which list would you like to be included on? *
Name in use (full first/last)? *
Pronouns in use? *
Select the degree you hold / are working towards. *
What institution are you affiliated with?
Anticipated graduation year? If not a student, please write n/a. *
Are you a student, faculty member, staff member, or resident physician?
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Where do you consent to the publication of your name on the Ally List or Out List? *
Please enter your initials to signify that you have read and understood the full introduction and questions on this form. *
Please enter your email address below if you would like to be added to our listserv
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