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School Tour Request - Mesa Public Schools
Visiting our schools is a great way to get a true sense of the culture, curriculum, and student life at each school.
Please request a tour at the school of your choice, and someone at that school will be in contact as soon as possible to set up your tour date and time.
Please note these tours are for new students only and appointments are required for tours as we cannot accommodate walk-in tours. If you have questions, please reach out directly to the school you have selected.
Thank you for your interest in Mesa Public Schools. We look forward to meeting your family!
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I'd like to schedule a tour at:
Adams Elementary
Brinton Elementary
Bush Elementary
Carson Junior High School
Crismon Elementary
Dobson High School
Eagleridge Enrichment Program
East Valley Academy
Edison Elementary
Eisenhower Center for Innovation
Emerson Elementary
Entz Elementary
Falcon Hill Elementary
Field Elementary
Franklin Accelerated Academy Brimhall Campus
Franklin Accelerated Academy Downtown Campus
Franklin Accelerated Academy East Campus
Franklin Accelerated Academy Jordan Campus
Franklin Junior High School
Fremont Junior High School
Guerrero Elementary
Hale Elementary
Hermosa Vista Elementary
Highland Arts Elementary
Holmes Elementary
Hughes Elementary
Irving Elementary
Ishikawa Elementary
Jefferson Elementary
Johnson Elementary
K-8 STEM Academy at Red Mountain Ranch
Keller Elementary
Kerr Center for Agriscience
Kino Junior High School
Las Sendas Elementary
Lehi Elementary
Lincoln Elementary
Lindbergh Elementary
Longfellow Elementary
Lowell Elementary
MacArthur Elementary
Madison Elementary
Mendoza Elementary
Mesa Academy for Advanced Studies
Mesa High School
Mountain View High School
O'Connor Elementary
Patterson Elementary
Pomeroy Elementary
Porter Elementary
Poston Junior High School
Red Mountain High School
Redbird Elementary
Rhodes Junior High School
Robson Elementary
Roosevelt Elementary
Salk Elementary
Shepherd Junior High School
Sirrine Montessori Center
Skyline High School
Smith Junior High School
Sousa Elementary
Stapley Junior High School
Stevenson Elementary
Summit Academy Elementary
Summit Academy Junior High School
Taft Elementary
Taylor Junior High School
Washington Elementary
Webster Elementary
Westwood High School
Whitman Elementary
Whittier Elementary
Wilson Elementary
Zaharis Elementary
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