Quiz 3. Evolution
it include mechanism of evolution i.e. Darwin and Wallace
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1 point
The two key concept of Darwin theory are....  *
1 point
....?.... fitness was the fitness referred by Darwin for natural selection..    *
1 point
Based on study of evolution geological history of earth closely corelates with ..... *
1 point
The fitness, according to Darwin, refers ultimately and only to..... 
1 point
According to Darwin's survival of fittest," who are better fit in an environment" .....
1 point
Theory of natural selection dwells on..... *
1 point
Name  the ship in which Darwin sailed around the world.... *
1 point
Who concluded that existing living forms share similarities with varying degree not only among themselves but also with life forms that existed millions of years ago *
1 point
Natural selection is the survival of fittest, which of the following most precisely describe it.... *
1 point
Alfred Wallace, a naturalist, worked in ...... *
1 point
Match the following *
4 points
Life comes from pre-existing life
Galapagos island
Chemical evolution
Malay Archipelago
Alfred Wallace
Charles Darwin
Miller & Urey
Louis Pasteur
Darwin was influenced by which scientist *
1 point
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