NIST Rapid Microbial Testing Methods (RMTM) Consortium:  Letter of Interest Form

Visit the NIST RMTM Consortium website at to learn more about the consortium. You can also contact us at

Please provide all of the following information.

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1.  Organization and Contact Information
Organization name
Street Address (in United States, if applicable)
Zip Code
Country of origin if headquarters does not reside in the United States
First name of Principal Contact for Consortium participation
Last name of Principal Contact for Consortium participation
Title of Principal Contact for Consortium participation
Email of Principal Contact for Consortium participation
Phone number of Principal Contact for Consortium participation
First name of Point of Contact for Cooperative Research and Development Agreement (CRADA)/document review
Last name of Point of Contact for CRADA/document review
Title of Point of Contact for CRADA/document review
Email of Point of Contact for CRADA/document review
Phone number of Point of Contact for CRADA/document review
2.  Expertise Relevant to Rapid Microbial Testing Methods
Provide a description of the experience in rapid microbial testing, regenerative medicine, advanced therapies, bioinformatics, or other relevant expertise to contribute to the Consortium.  URLs or references may be provided but are not required.  
How did you learn about the Consortium?
3.  Consortium Subgroups for Participation
Indicate the Consortium areas for participation.  There is no limit to the number of areas of participation.
List any other areas where pre-competitive collaboration to establish community harmonization, guidance, reference materials/calibrants, or standard data sets would be beneficial.
4.  Consortium Participants
List the following information for each anticipated consortium participant from your organization: Name, Title, Email, Phone number (please put each participant on a separate line)
Terms and Conditions
NIST will not treat any information provided in this form as proprietary information. NIST will notify each organization of its eligibility. In order to participate in this Consortium, each eligible organization must sign a Cooperative Research and Development Agreement (CRADA) for this Consortium.  All participants to this Consortium will be bound by the same terms and conditions.  NIST does not guarantee participation in the Consortium or in any other collaboration to any organization submitting a Letter of Interest.  Authority: 15 U. S. C. § 3710a

A copy of your responses will be emailed to the address you provided.
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