School Reopening Best Practices
Please respond to the following questions with best practices and strategies you are using (or are aware of from the field) that would be helpful to share with other educators.

NOTE: you do not need to answer every question; feel free to only complete the topics if you have examples you would like to share.
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Your Role
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If you answered other, what role do you serve?
In what state is your school located?
How is your school currently conducting classes?
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Please share best practices/strategies you are using to meet students' basic needs (providing school nutrition, regardless of the educational setting).
Please share best practices/strategies you are using to provide all students with access to a safe and inclusive learning environment.
Please share best practices/strategies you are using to support educator and school staff well-being.
Please share best practices/strategies you are using to meet the social, emotional, mental health, and academic needs of students.
Please share best practices/strategies you are using for closing the digital divide (preventing more lost time and leveraging technology to close opportunity gaps).
Please share best practices/strategies you are using to ensure equitable access to broadband and the devices needed to participate in remote learning.
Please share best practices/strategies you are using to support the effective use of technology for in-person learning and periodic shifts to remote learning.
Please share best practices/strategies you are using for accelerating learning (instructional approaches, tutoring, and extended learning time).
Please share best practices/strategies for how you are using data to inform students, parents, and educators of progress and areas requiring additional support.
Please share best practices/strategies for how you are addressing resource inequities to provide all students with the educational opportunities they need to succeed, including access to a well-rounded education (including advanced courses, music, and the arts), quality educators, and integrated student support services.
Please share best practices/strategies for how you are working to provide a diverse and qualified educator workforce.
Please share any other best practices/strategies not included in the questions above.
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