Business Partner Interest Form
This form is for businesses who are interested in hosting interns from the Yorkville High School Field Experience Program. Please fill in each field. You will be contacted by the Field Experience Coordinator based on your responses below.  Thank you for your time and we look forward to building a relationship with you and your business!

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First Name *
Last Name *
Company Name/Company Address *
Email Address *
Phone Number *
Would you be willing to host an intern? *
If you are willing to host an intern, how many? *
If you are willing to host an intern, when? *
Please check the career cluster(s) most closely aligned to your business. *
If you were to host an intern, is there a specific skill set you are looking for? *
Through your network of contacts, is there someone you know who might be willing to host a student intern? *
If there is someone else we need to contact to specifically to talk to about taking on an intern, please list their name and contact information. *
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