Questionnaire 5
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Question 1 *

Select the correct statements about neural networks.

Question 2 *

Select all the correct statements about activation functions.

Question 3

Which activation function is recommended to use in the hidden layer of a neural network?

Question 5

How many neurons should the output layer of a neural network designed for binary classification contain?

Question 6 *
How many neurons will the output layer of a neural network designed for multi-class classification task with 7 classes contain?
Question 7
Having a neural network with an input layer of 1000 neurons, one hidden layer of 500 neurons, and an output layer of 10 neurons, which of the following initialization methods is better to use for the weights connecting the input and hidden layers?
Question 8
Choose the correct statements about training neural networks.
Question 9
In backpropagation, what is the role of the gradient descent algorithm?
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