CAA's 106th Annual Conference will take place February 21–24, 2018 at the Los Angeles Convention Center., art historians, art educators, and museum professionals at all stages of their careers may apply for one-on-one consultations with veterans in their fields. Through personal twenty-minute consultations, Career Development Mentoring offers a unique opportunity for participants to receive candid advice on how to conduct a thorough job search; present cover letters, CVs, and digital images; and prepare for interviews. Whenever possible, CAA matches participants and mentors based on their career area or discipline. You must bring a copy of your resume/CV or job search materials and specific career goals to discuss during these appointments. Sessions are filled by appointment only and are scheduled between 8:30 AM–12:00 PM and 2:00–5:30 PM each day. All Career Development Mentoring Appointments will take place in room 511C in the Los Angeles Convention Center, 1201 South Figueroa Street, Los Angeles, CA 90015.
Deadline: December 15, 2017.