Beatrice Creative Arts District - Community Input Survey
Please provide YOUR input as a Beatrice stakeholder, as we apply to become a designated Creative District!

Your input is very valuable to us!


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Proposed Beatrice Creative Arts District Boundaries.
Full Name (Optional)
Please describe your role in the community (check all that apply). *
What are a few words or phrases that you would use to describe the arts scene in Beatrice today?
Please list any PLACES that you consider as CREATIVE ASSETS to Beatrice.  (eg Libraries, Galleries, Schools)
Please list any ACTIVITIES that you consider as CREATIVE ASSETS to Beatrice.  (eg Community groups, bands, choirs)
Please list any ORGANIZATIONS that you consider as CREATIVE ASSETS to Beatrice.  (eg Museums, Theatres, Non-Profits)
Please list any CULTURAL/HERITAGE ASSETS that you consider as CREATIVE ASSETS to Beatrice.  (eg Parks, Communities, Historical Treasure)
Please list any BUSINESSES that you consider as CREATIVE ASSETS to Beatrice.  (eg Graphic Design Company, Frame Shop, Art Dealer)
Please list any PEOPLE that you consider as CREATIVE ASSETS to Beatrice.  (eg Teachers, Leaders, Artists)
Please list any KEY PARTNERS that you think should have input on the creation of the Beatrice Creative District.
Please describe any infrastructure projects that may need to take place to make the Beatrice Arts District area more accessible or user-friendly. For Example: traffic mitigation, improved lighting
INTERNAL STRENGTHS: What does our district already have going for it? (Examples: Strong relationships with local government, great cultural assets, right on a major highway)
INTERNAL WEAKNESSES: What are more resources needed? (Examples: Poor branding for community, no signage for tourists, outdated website)
EXTERNAL OPPORTUNITIES: What opportunities are open to you? (Examples: New technologies available, district designation, new funding sources)
EXTERNAL THREATS: What threats might hamper your community's growth? (Examples: Decreasing population, new tax laws, unfavorable economic forecast)
What would you like to see added to your community? For Example: a coffee shop, welcome sign on the outskirts of town, a public transportation option, etc.
Please describe any creative economy activities you would like to see happen to/in the Beatrice Creative District in the future?  (ie festivals, events, promotions, organizations, assets, etc.)
What would you like to be able to say about the Beatrice Arts Scene in 5 years?
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