Participants Ether Address
Hello Everyone, It's an important announcement that we are going to give you reward of our Airdrop Campaigns. for this you need to submit Ether Address( the one which has in our website & it has given to you for any transaction.It is like your personal ether address.I know you are new with this payment system but soon you will understand it).

Please submit your ether address after collecting it from our website with your email address that you have filled up with the airdrop form.Also don't forget to confirm us by taking screenshot here    in our bounty group with your ether address,Telegram username & Email that you have submitted for Airdrop,
Otherwise you won't be verified.

Email *
Your Ether address (the one which has in our website) *
Captionless Image
You must have to Confirm your ether address in our bounty group by taking screenshot.Did you do it?( ) *
Captionless Image
Your Telegram Username(@Jasia) *
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