2022 Implementation Plan
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Email *
What's your name? *
Please list the BEST email address to reach you for clarification on this or other Data Camp work. *
What three Data Portfolio Activities did you include in your implementation Plan? *
Briefly describe the target population of students for your plan. *
(grade level, course, academic level, etc.)
What learning objectives do you hope to address with your plan?
How much time do you intend to spend on the sequence? *
What challenges do you anticipate in presenting this lesson/unit? *
(materials, access to technology, safety, time, etc.)
What are some specific modifications that you will need to make to this activity before it is ready for your students? *
(If it is classroom ready as-is, simply type "none")
How does your plan structure the learning from simple to complex? *
Does this content align with curriculum that you are already expected to teach? *
This material is not at all a part of my physics curriculum.
This material aligns with many of the topics I am expected to cover.
What broad method do you plan to use in implementing this material? *
As a separate, self-contained unit
Integrated and/or “sprinkled” into already-existing lessons
How do you plan to assess student learning and the effectiveness of your plan? *
Be specific here. As you know, assessments can take a variety of forms, and can occur at different times; however, there should be some definite desc
What suggestions or feedback do you have for the activities that you chose as it appears in the Data Portfolio?  What changes should be considered to the portfolio activities as they are written?
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