Sheen Mount Residential Parent Survey
The school has residential trips in Y4, Y5 & Y6.  
The Y4 two night trip to Juniper Hall in Dorking we are aiming to continue and are not surveying about that.
Currently Y5 goes to the Isle of Wight for 4 nights -costing around £400 and Y6 go to PGL Hindhead for 4 nights. 
We are surveying over the rising costs for the Year 6 PGL trip-currently £650 for the 4 night trip to Hindhead. 
Informal conversations with children and parents over recent years suggest that children prefer the Y5 trip. 
We want to keep both residential trips in Year 5 and Year 6,  but reduce costs. 
Our favoured option is to move the Isle of Wight trip to Year 6 and find a 2 or 3 night more local option for Y5 with a similar style to PGL-adventure activities, which is not what we happens on the Isle of Wight. 
Please note that we currently can't go to PGL for 2 or 3 nights-it is not possible. 
The Y6 trip to PGL will go ahead in 2025 regardless. 
Do you think we should change the Y5 & Y6 school residential trips to reduce the overall costs? *
If you answered yes to the above-what option do you think is best *
Any other comments *
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