DIF - Feedback Agreement
The Feedback Agreement is designed for the Decentralized Identity Foundation to invite
individual contributors to DIF Working Groups free of charge.

The contributions to be provided on an individual level, not as a representative of an organization or company.

Here you can see the agreement:

Please fill out this form, and you will receive a personalized DocuSign invite.

If there would be any questions, reach out to membership@identity.foundation 
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First Name *
Last Name *
e-mail address *
if you have corporate email address please use it below.
Which DIF working group you are interested to participate in? *
By signing the Feedback Agreement you have access to all Working Groups, User Groups, and Special Interest Groups. We would like to know which Working Groups you're interested in.
GitHub handle *
As a contributor we expect you to join the work also on GitHub, however, to provide commenting access to our IPR protected repositories we want to make sure that we capture your GitHub handle early on.
Linkedin page *
DIF IPR policy limits individual contributions to freelancers. Please provide your LinkedIn page so we can verify that you are currently work as a freelancer. If this is not the case, please join DIF via the company you are working for.
What capacity you interact with DIF *
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