E-CAM Survey of Application Software
** This survey should take about 5 minutes to complete **

We are seeking to collect basic information about the software, libraries and applications that are frequently used by people in the extended CECAM  community, with a view to trying to develop a support infrastructure for heavily-used software within the E-CAM Centre of Excellence (https://www.e-cam2020.eu).

If you use a particular library, application or other piece of software frequently within your workflow, please answer the following questions about the software to allow us to better categorize and prioritise software training and development within E-CAM.

The first section relates to the application/library itself, the second section relates to your own particular usage of the application/library.

We ask that you only include one code per questionnaire, if you use multiple codes in your workflow please  fill the questionnaire for your primary code first and then, if you have time, you can fill out the survey again for other codes.
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How can we use your email address? *
E-CAM is actively seeking to raise awareness of, and help people use, future-focused computing technologies, architectures and best practices. We would like to keep you up to date with the services and training activities that E-CAM has to offer as well as other HPC-related opportunities that may be relevant to you. For this reason, we want to add you to our general mailing list and/or make direct contact with you based on your responses to this survey. (Your email address will *not* be shared with third parties!)
Code name *
Please provide the name by which the application/library/software is most commonly known
Who develops the software?
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Weblink or short description of the code (<100 words)
Please provide a link to the main website (or source code repository) of the code. If no such website or repository exists, please provide a very short description of what the code does and how it can be accessed.
In which of the E-CAM current target research areas does the application fit best? *
This list is not an exhaustive list of the areas that E-CAM is targeting, it includes only those areas that are listed as target research areas within the initial scope of the Centre of Excellence. Please make multiple selections if appropriate.
Would you consider your use of this application to be for: *
Programming Language *
If you know, please indicate the primary programming language(s) in which the code is written
Licence Type
If you know, please indicate the type of licence type under which the code is released.
Benchmark Tests
Are you aware of any benchmark tests available for the software so that it's performance/correctness can be evaluated when performing an installation? If so provide us with web link (or a source code location for the tests or something similar)
Please provide a weblink to the main documentation source (that you know of) related to the software.
Training Material
Please provide a weblink to any training material (that you know of) related to the software.
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