Adult Hockey Spring League Interest Form 2024
Fill out this form to get in on the spring league March-June 2024.  Games will begin the week of March 11, 2024.  We may have a rate skate during the week beginning March 4.
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Name (First and Last) *
Email address (Ex: 
Make sure your address is accurate so you get all the updates.
Phone number.  (In case you don't respond to repeated emails and we want to know if you really do want to play)  Ex: (505) 555-2233
Skill Level
Leagues will be divided into 4 skill levels
Are you interested in being a Captain for your team?  
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Do you need a league jersey? (in other words how long can you play in that ratty old thing you call a hockey sweater?)  These are single ply reversible jerseys.  More information to follow. *
Captionless Image
League play will be Monday through Thursday, 2 games per night, most likely 7:00 and 8:30 pm.  Depending on interest there may be 6 teams in a league so that league would play two games one night and one game a different night.
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